West Jaintia Hills District is one of the 11 (eleven) districts of the state of Meghalaya. With the bifurcation of the erstwhile Jaintia Hills District into East and West Jaintia Hills District, West Jaintia Hills District came into existence on 31st July 2012 with its Head Quarter at Jowai. Jowai is the host of all the heads of important governmental offices and establishments, educational institutions, hospitals, banking institutions, etc.
The total area of the district is 1693 Sq.kms. The district comprises of 1(one) Civil Sub-Division Viz. Amlarem Civil Sub-Division and 3(three) Community and Rural Development Blocks viz. Amlarem C&RD Block, Laskein C&RD Block and Thadlaskein C&RD Block… Read More

Hon'ble Minister
Minister Name
- Temporary License for Possession and Sale of Fire Crackers During Festivals
- Application for Booking an Appointment with SRO
- Non Encumbrance Certificate
- NOC required for setting up of explosives manufacturing, storage, sale, transport
- NOC Required for Setting Up of Petroleum, Diesel & Naphtha Manufacturing, Storage, Sale, Transport
- Marriage Certificate
- Registration of Cyber Cafe
- Registration of Co-Operative Societies
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